In light of the war in Ukraine and the ensuing disruption of scholarly progress in Ukrainian universities, the Alan D. Leve Center for Jewish Studies, together with five endowed chair holders in the field, has created an emergency Visiting Graduate Researcher (VGR) fellowship for a current graduate student in Ukraine. Graduate students at any Ukrainian university are eligible to apply for the one-year fellowship, and to join us at UCLA as soon as possible. To respond flexibly to the crises in Ukraine, we seek to support a scholar working in any area of Jewish Studies including, but not limited to, East European Jewish studies, Holocaust studies, Rabbinics, Yiddish Studies, Jewish literature, languages, music, culture, or history. This position will be promoted through the Ukrainian Jewish Studies Association and the European Jewish Studies Association. Read more about this initiative and consider contributing to our effort (choose “Leve Center Ukrainian Graduate Support Fund” in the drop-down menu).
The UCLA Alan D. Leve Center for Jewish Studies is offering a one-year Visiting Graduate Researcher (VGR) fellowship at UCLA for a current graduate student at any Ukrainian university. The fellowship recipient should work on any aspect of Jewish Studies including, but not limited to, East European Jewish studies, Holocaust studies, Rabbinics, Yiddish and any area of Jewish studies such as literature, languages, music, culture, history, etc.
Starting Date: as soon as possible
Prospective students should explore the Leve Center website and get to know the work of our faculty to see if they would be a good fit: https://levecenter.ucla.edu/leve-center-affiliates/
Students should also look into the UCLA libraries’ collections to see if the archives might be of some relevance to their research: https://guides.library.ucla.edu/jewish
The fellowship will include travel to UCLA, an official affiliation with the university, coverage of the student’s fees and health insurance, and a stipend of $50,000 for the year to cover living expenses.
Eligibility and other notes:
- The Student must be a current student pursuing a Ph.D. at any Ukrainian university.
- A conversational command of English is required.
- This is not a degree-granting program, but an opportunity to access UCLA’s faculty, libraries, and to join our thriving graduate student cohort in Jewish studies.
- This is a one-year fellowship that may begin any time during the calendar year with the potential for renewal.
- To apply for this fellowship, reach out to the Leve Center’s Assistant Director, Vivian Holenbeck (vdios@humnet.ucla.edu), with the following: an academic CV and a one page letter of intent describing your research plans while at UCLA.
Funding for this fellowship made possible by the UCLA Alan D. Leve Center for Jewish Studies, The Viterbi Family Endowed Chair in Mediterranean Jewish Studies, The 1939 Society Samuel Goetz Chair in Holocaust Studies, The Michael and Irene Ross Chair in Yiddish Studies, The Bluma Appel Research Endowment, The Mickey Katz Endowed Chair in Jewish Music, The Sady and Ludwig Kahn Directorship in Jewish Studies, and The Sady and Ludwig Kahn Chair in Jewish History.