University of California Series in Jewish History and Cultures
Sponsored by the UCLA Alan D. Leve Center for Jewish Studies and the Center for Jewish History

A Luminos/Open Access Series published by the University of California Press
Series Editors: David N. Myers (UCLA) and Todd Presner (UCLA)
The University of California Series in Jewish History and Cultures is a digital, open access book series published by the University of California Press as part of its Luminos initiative. All books published in the series are available for free globally in various downloadable formats as well as in print-on-demand. The series is governed by three principles that reflect the opportunities afforded by open access digital publishing:
- We will seek to publish cutting-edge scholarship that takes advantages of the digital medium, including the capacity to integrate visual and auditory materials as well as the capacity to annotate, contextualize, and interpret primary materials. One of the chief goals of the series will be to solicit cutting-edge research that has a multi-media quality and that pushes new conceptual and methodological horizons.
- We will seek to publish the best interdisciplinary scholarship in Jewish studies that has the potential to make an impact on and achieve recognition in numerous fields of study.
- We will seek to publish first-rate scholarship by both emerging scholars and senior scholars in the field. Given the global reach and access of the digital platform, we believe that it is an essential service to the field to find compelling, globally-oriented venues for scholars to publish and disseminate their work in the broadest possible way.
All books published in the Luminos Jewish History and Culture series go through the same peer review process and maintain the same editorial and design standards as all other books published by the University of California Press.
We are actively soliciting book proposals for the series and potential authors should contact David Myers, Todd Presner, or one of the editorial board members listed below.
Series Editors and Editorial Board

David N. Myers (UCLA) is Sady and Ludwig Kahn Chair in Jewish History, the Director of Luskin Center for History and Policy, and Professor of History. His books include Re-Inventing the Jewish Past: European Jewish Intellectuals and the Zionist Return to History (New York: Oxford, 1995), Resisting History: Historicism and its Discontents in German-Jewish Thought (Princeton, 2003), Between Jew and Arab: The Lost Voice of Simon Rawidowicz (Brandeis University Press, 2008), Jewish History: Very Short Introduction (New York: Oxford, 2017), and the forthcoming The Stakes of History: On the Use and Abuse of Jewish History for Life (Yale).

Todd Presner (UCLA) is Michael and Irene Ross Chair in Yiddish and Jewish Studies, Professor of German Languages and Comparative Literature, Associate Dean of Digital Innovation, and Adviser to the Vice Chancellor of Research for Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences. His books include: Probing the Ethics of Holocaust Culture, eds. Wulf Kansteiner, Claudio Fogu, and Todd Presner (Harvard University Press, 2016); HyperCities: Thick Mapping in the Digital Humanities (Harvard University Press, 2014); Digital_Humanities, with Anne Burdick, Johanna Drucker, Peter Lunenfeld, and Jeffrey Schnapp; Mobile Modernity: Germans, Jews, Trains (Columbia University Press, 2007); and Muscular Judaism: The Jewish Body and the Politics of Regeneration (Routledge Press, 2007).
Editorial Board Members:
- Lia Brozgal (UCLA, French and Francophone Studies)
- Rachel Deblinger (UCSC, Digital Scholarship Commons)
- Nathaniel Deutsch (UCSC, History)
- John Efron (UC Berkeley, History)
- Jessica Goldberg (UCLA, History)
- Mark Kligman (UCLA, Ethnomusicology)
- Ross Melnick (UCSB, Film and Media Studies)
- Sarah Abrevaya Stein (UCLA, History)
Publication Process:
All books in the series undergo the standard review and approval process of the UC Press Editorial Committee. Books in the series are available for free in various e-publication formats for view on and download from the web. Print-on-demand books (sold at cost) will also be available for all publications in the series. It is understood that as participants in the Luminos program, authors will forgo all royalties in exchange for free, global access of their scholarly work. Any proceeds from the print-on-demand books will go to funding the Luminos program.
Author fees are required for all books published in the Luminos program in order to subvent the costs associated with the open access platform. Those fees begin at $7,500 for non-UC authors and cover a standard format book (about 90,000 words and 25 images); additional fees may be required for more complex projects. For UC authors (faculty and dissertations), the author fees are $5,000. Faculty and dissertations from certain UC campuses (UCLA, UCSD) are fully covered by subventions from campus libraries. The UCLA Alan D. Leve Center for Jewish Studies (in conjunction with funding from several endowed chairs, including Kahn, Ross, Amado, 1939, and Katz) and the Center for Jewish History will work with authors to cover a portion of the author fees, with a particular focus on supporting junior faculty and scholars without such resources.