The Ginzburg Geography is a sonic map of the lives of Natalia (1916-1991) and Leone GeographyGinzburg (1909-1944), focusing on where they lived together before and during the Second World War: Turin, Pizzoli, and Rome. Leone was an Italian editor, teacher, and Project journalist who became an anti-fascist activist and hero of the resistance movement. Natalia was an acclaimed Italian author and publicist, who confronted the Holocaust through her writings and political activism. She was elected to the Italian Parliament in 1983. The Ginzburg Geography is a musical interpretation of sites of memory.
The map of The Ginzburg Geography is musical. Charming Hostess will perform new settings of the Ginzburgs’ writings, and frame these with folk songs that help evoke the feeling of the texts. In composing the music, Jewlia Eisenberg drew from the Italian regional traditions of Piemonte, Abruzzo and Rome; from Italian Jewish liturgy, the oldest and most remote in Europe; and from Italian anti-fascist songs, including work chants and resistance anthems.