In Italy the radical juvenile political movements that took shape since the late 1960s played a key role in the cultural and political battles of the following decade. The Palestinian struggle rapidly became a key reference point in the collective imagination of those young militants, and in the second half of the 1970s meaningful operational ties were developed between Palestinian organizations and Italian terrorist movements. My presentation will illustrate such developments and offer an analysis of the processes that generated growing anti-Israeli sentiment (sometimes with anti-Semitic connotations) in Italian society in the time period comprised between the Six Days War and the Lebanon War.
About the Speaker: GURI SCHWARZ, (Milan 1975) earned a PhD summa cum laude in Historical Disciplines at the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa in 2002. Currently he teaches Contemporary History at the Italian Rabbinical College. He has been post-doctoral fellow at the University of Bologna, fellow of the Luigi Einaudi Foundation (Turin), research fellow at the Department of History of the University of Pisa, visiting scholar at the International Institute for Holocaust Research-Yad Vashem (Jerusalem), research fellow at the Deutsches Historisches Institute (Rome). He is member of the Interdepartmental Center for Jewish Studies of the University of Pisa, and coordinator of the scientific board of the Fondazione Centro di Documentazione Ebraica Contemporanea (Milan).