The Balkan Wars (1912-13) presented a major watershed in the life of the Jewish communities of the Ottoman Empire. By using the Ladino and Ottoman press, memoire literature and various archival documents, Ginio’s presentation discusses the dilemmas faced by Ottoman Jews during these troubled times and their changing perceptions of citizenship and their role in the public life on the eve of the Ottoman Empire’s demise.
About the Speaker: Eyal Ginio is Associate Professor at the Department of Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Director of the Ben-Zvi Institute for the Study of Oriental Jewry (Jerusalem). His recent publications include Ottoman Legacies in the Contemporary Mediterranean: the Balkans and the Middle East Compared. Jerusalem: The Forum for European Studies, 2013 (edited with Karl Kaser) and Greece – Jewish Communities in the East in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. Jerusalem: Ben Zvi Institute, 2014 (edited, in Hebrew). His book, The Ottoman Culture of Defeat and the Shifting of Ottoman Identities: The Balkan Wars and Their Aftermath (1912-1914), will be published by Hurst Publications (London) and Oxford University Press (New York) in October 2015.
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