Jan 30 Arnold J. Band Symposium At 4:00 pm James West Alumni Center Jan 28 The Pope at War: The Continuing Controversy over the Silence of Pope Pius XII during the Shoah – David I. Kertzer At 2:00 pm 314 Royce Hall Jan 16 And God Laughed: Humor in the Bible – Joel Kaminsky (Smith College) At 2:00 pm 314 Royce Hall And God Laughed: Humor in the Bible – Joel Kaminsky (Smith College) The Pope at War: The Continuing Controversy over the Silence of Pope Pius XII during the Shoah – David I. Kertzer Arnold J. Band Symposium And God Laughed: Humor in the Bible – Joel Kaminsky (Smith College) The Pope at War: The Continuing Controversy over the Silence of Pope Pius XII during the Shoah – David I. Kertzer Arnold J. Band Symposium