General Information (LAUSD High School students grades 9-12 in Boyle Heights only)
The UCLA Alan D. Leve Center for Jewish Studies seeks to honor creative high schoolers from Roosevelt High School and Mendez High School as they engage with the multiethnic and multicultural past and present of their neighborhood. We are calling for original, creative work that engages with the Leve Center’s digital exhibit Jewish Histories in Multiethnic Boyle Heights in a dynamic and innovative manner.
Any current student in grades 9-12 attending Roosevelt High School or Mendez High School may apply for the UCLA Alan D. Leve Center Boyle Heights Award. Winning submissions will fall into one of the following categories: Superior ($1000 prize), Distinguished ($750), and Excellent ($500).
Information for Applicants
The form of the submission is entirely up to you! As this is a creative competition, we encourage you to think outside the box, and to focus on engaging and novel ways to showcase Boyle Heights’ neighborhood history. Suggestions include but are not limited to the following:
- Creative writing (short story, poetry)
- Personal and/or multigenerational family history
- Visual arts (painting, sculpture, film, photography)
- Social media campaigns (TikTok, Instagram)
- Musical compositions
- Multimedia exhibits and collages
- Digital exhibits
The successful submission will:
- Reflect the unique way in which you and your community experience Boyle Heights
- Highlight the multiethnic history of the Boyle Heights neighborhood in an innovative and captivating manner
- Engage in some way, shape or form with the Jewish Histories in Multiethnic Boyle Heights digital exhibit
- Have the capacity to be displayed for an extended period of time, either in physical form or via digital exhibit
You must submit their completed application to the UCLA Alan D. Leve Center at (EMAIL). The application consists of the following items:
- The creative product
- You may submit attachments or instructions for how to access a digital exhibit. In the event you have created a physical item, you should submit high quality photos of your item with your email application materials. (Should you be selected, your product will be professionally photographed and/or displayed.)
- A 150-200 word artist statement about your creative product.
- A 150-200 word biography about yourself and your relationship to the Boyle Heights neighborhood.
- Proof of your status as a student at one of the participating Boyle Heights schools.
- You may submit a copy of your school ID, a letter from your counselor, etc.
Timeline and Evaluation Information
- Submissions must be submitted by 11:59pm on May 31, 2022. Late submissions will not be considered.
- Submissions will be reviewed by a panel of Leve Center affiliates.
- Winner(s) will be announced by July 1, 2022.
Due to the freeform nature of this competition, we understand that you may have questions about different possible types of submission. You are encouraged to contact the Leve Center at levecenter@humnet.ucla.edu with any questions you may have about the contest, submission process, etc.
This partnership is made possible by the Hinda and Jacob Schonfeld Boyle Heights Collection and is sponsored by the UCLA Alan D. Leve Center for Jewish Studies.